Sunday's Sermon

A Heart for Soul Winning

Romans 10:1


	A. Paul was a soul winner.
	     1. Because he was motivated.
	     2. Ro.10:1

	B. The heart is the center of our being.
	     1. Where emotions, thoughts, will originate.
	     2. Provokes us to action.
	     3. Paul had a soul-winner heart.

	C.I.You must have a soul-winner’s heart.

	D. If I am to have a soul-winner’s heart I must have.


  I. A Changed Heart

	A. Changed by God’s holiness true motive for soul-winning
	     1. Men are sinners
		   a. All Romans 3:23
		   b. Proverbs 20:9 Who can say..
		   c. 1st John 1:8 deceiving yourself
	   	   d. Natural acceptable God won’t punish

	B. Changed by God’s love for the world.
	     1. John 3:16 the God we love, loves the world
	     2. Showed it by sending Jesus Romans 5:8
	     3. We are to reflect that love Matthew 5:14-16
	C. Changed by Christ’s love for me  WAKE UP
	     1. Galatians 2:20 loved me and gave His life for me if I was only one

	D. Changed by my love for God and man
	     1. For God Luke 10:27
	     2. For others
		a. 2nd Corinthians 5:14 The love of Christ constraineth us
		b. Matthew 22:39 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

	E. Has your heart been changed?

II. A Compassionate Heart

	A. One that looks on the fields Matthew 13:38
	     1. Ready for harvest John 4:35
	     2. Workers are few Luke 10:2
 	     3. All theworld Mark 16:15, 16

	B. One that seeks individuals
	     1. 2nd Corinthians 5:11 we persuade men
		   a. Zaccheus Luke 19:5
		   b. Woman at the well John 4:7,9
	     2. His disciples sought individuals
		   a. Philip and Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:30
		   b. Lydia Acts 16:13, 14
		   C. Jesus was compassionate Matthew 9:36    Are you?

III. A Challenged Heart

	A. Challenged to pray
	     1. For reapers Luke 10:2
	     2. For prayers Eph.6:18, 19
	     3. For supporters Phil.4:15
B. Challenged to give
	     1. Time Romans 12:1
 	     2. Money 2 Cor.9:7 should be happy to give
	     3. Self Ro.6:13

C. Challenged to go
	     1. A personal command Mt.28:19, 20
	     2. A personal responsibility ye
		   a. Ez.33:1-9
		   b. Not responsibility of govt’ or lost
	     3. A personal commitment
	   	   a. Isaiah 6:8 Whom shall I send?
		   b. Saying the same thing today.
		   c. Acts 1:8 you shall be my witnesses
		   d. Will you?

	A. You need to be motivated!

	B. What kind of a heart do you have

	C.I. You must have a soul winner’s heart.

	D.Let Jesus have your heart.