Introduction A. Greatest single enemy of a happy marriage. 1. Root of all other sins. 2. When I am at center-world out of balance B. Easy to spot 1. TV 2. "In a little while" -children C. Natural sin 1. Baseball - pitch -go home with only ball 2. Wife suggests I am part of the problem. C.I. It is selfishness that keeps our families from being what God wants them to be. I. I Am The Problem. A. I hide my self-interest behind my "rights". 1. Man who felt cheated by his brother in the division of the inheritance. Luke 12:13-22 a. Make my brother be fair - v.13 b. Jesus said, "You, my friend have a covetous heart." V.15 c. Parable of the farmer who was so wealthy he couldn't spend it all, v.20. What happens when consumed by self-concern! d. Why? "My rights" 2. Satan's first attempt at temptation. Gen.3:1-16 a. Tempted her with pride. V.5 b. She wanted to be like God so she looked at that fruit in a different light. V.6 - 3 forms 3. Same things Satan uses against us today. 1st John 2:15-16 B. We have a mistaken notion - man's nature is inherently good. 1. Two World Wars and endless cold wars and police actions. 2. If I feel alright it must be o.k. Jer.17:9 3. Kids are basically good. Prov.22:15 C. We must stop thinking we are smarter than God. 1. We are not. 1st Cor.1:25 2. If we want our families to be what God wants we have to give it to God. II. I Must Die. A. The death principle is the center of the gospel message. 1. The Lord's Supper - a memorial of Christ's death: 1st Cor.11:26 2. Baptism- a fullfillment of death principle in individuals: Romans 6:3-5. a. I allow God to dethrone me and Christ to become the center. b. "Newness of life", v.4, 2nd Cor.5:17; c. Argentian -"I kill you in the name of ... d. Juan Carlos Ortiz: e. When Christians theology in Rome became too lenient -Romans 6:1-3 f. Romans 6:1-17 - mentions death 15 times. g. Deposit self in Christ's account - write no more checks - Gal.6:14. h. Picture of absolute helplessness and surrender- self-pride is opposite 3. A paradox - I must die to live. a. To fulfill God's purpose -2nd Cor.5:14-15 b. God replaces my self interest with His Spirit - Acts 5:32 c. Victory over self. B. I have to surrender my rights. 1. As I commit sin I become a slave of Satan. John 8:34 - no rights a. Like flies on fly paper b. Only an outsider - Jesus - can free me -accept His blood c. Become His slave - Romans 6:17-18 2. There is no such thing as absolute freedom. C. The disciples did not understand this death principle. 1. Mt.20-23 - James and John 2. V.24 - the ten became indignant 3. Jesus told them "You have to serve." 4. But we want to be served. Conclusion A. Selfishness is a destroyer. B. You can tell where it has been - in families. C.I. It is selfishness that keeps our families from being what God wants them to be. C. What do you want your family to be? D. You must die!