The fulfillment of the prophecies of this psalm in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ prove its inspiration.

    1. Hear His cry of abandonment. 1,2
    1. "My God, My God " Mk. 15:34. He was aware.
    2. A period of darkness v. 33 "by day by night "
    3. Some thought Elijah. V. 36
    1. Hear His awareness of God’s faithfulness 3-8
    1. Remembers the history of men of faith. 3-5
    2. But God was treating Him differently 6-8
    3. The very words of Mt. 27:42.43
    1. There were no grounds for abandonment in Himself. 9-11

From birth in fellowship. Isa. 59:1,2; 53:5; Ro. 5:17-21

  1. HIS EXECUTION 12-21
    1. His enemies surrounded Him. 12,13
    1. bulls powerful, seem to be strong. Lu. 22:53
    2. lions fierce, ravening, fangs dripping with anxiety.
    1. His own reaction - His exhaustion on the cross.14,15
    2. 5-6 hrs in hot sun nails bones out of joint fatigue-thirst

    3. His death 16-18
    1. "dogs are round about me…" Romans.
    2. The crowning indignity collusion was impossible.
  1. HIS VICTORY 22-31
    1. In the congregation of His brothers and sisters.
    1. A foretelling of Christ’s resurrection.
    2. He. 2:11,12 Christians are truly His brethren.
    3. Praise the Lord! 23,24 Why? "my vows will I pay…" 25,26 What vows? 2Pe. 1:3; He. 7:25
    1. In all the world. 27-31
    1. The most uttered subject in al the world.
    2. At some time all will speak His name. Phil. 2:10


All is done. There is nothing more to do. What will you do?